Hepatitis C Treatments
Hepatitis is a liver infection which can cause inflammation and damage to the liver. Most commonly caused by a virus, this can also be caused by some medical conditions or the abuse of alcohol and/or medications.
There are many forms of Hepatitis C (HCV), while there are vaccines used in the prevention of Hepatitis A and B but there is no Vaccine to prevent Hepatitis C.
There are 3.9 million people that have this disease in United States. Hep C can be a mild short term (acute) illness or, for about 75% to 85% of people can become a lifelong (chronic) illness.
It is hard to know if you may have Hepatitis C because it can have such few symptoms. Each person is affected in a different way, your face hands and skin can be affected from hepatitis C and may show signs of the disease.
Hepatitis C has many stages:
Acute hepatitis C
Chronic hepatitis C
Liver Cancer
Hepatitis C most commonly can be spread from the blood of an infected person inside of the body of someone not infected, whether it is by needles or something that injects drugs, or from a mother passing it to their baby during childbirth.
Treatment starts when Hepatitis C becomes chronic and has recently changed from weekly injections, to oral therapy lasting anywhere from two to six months with minimal side effects.
Unfortunately many people don’t know their infected because they may not have symptoms and can be decades before they appear.
Hepatitis C most commonly can be spread from the blood of an infected person inside of the body of someone not infected, whether it is by needles or something that injects drugs, or from a mother passing it to their baby during childbirth.
Treatment starts when Hepatitis C becomes chronic and has recently changed from weekly injections, to oral therapy lasting anywhere from two to six months with minimal side effects.
Unfortunately many people don’t know their infected because they may not have symptoms and can be decades before they appear.
Bleeds easily
Bruises easily
Poor appetite
Skin and eyes has a jaundice or yellow discoloration
Urine dark in color
Skin itches
Buildup of Fluid in the abdomen
Legs Swell
Weight Loss
Confusion, drowsiness and slurred speech
Skin has spider-like blood vessels
References Web MD, CDC, Mayo Clinic

Hepatitis Treatments at these Central City Community Health Locations

Garden Grove
12511 Brookhurst St. 2nd Floor
Garden Grove, CA 92840
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Tel: +1 (714) 643-7176

South Los Angeles
5970 S. Central Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90001
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Tel: (323) 234-3280

81709 Dr. Carreon Blvd. D-1
Indio, CA 92201
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Tel: (760) 342-3336